Legends and Myths of a Forgotten Realm
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Index of all characters, by guild affiliation:

Azorious Senate

The Azorious Senate represents the nobility and traditional religious orders of Silvermere. Influenced strongly by a sense of noblesse oblige, the Azorious Senate seeks to maintain peace and order while preserving the economic and social privilege of its patrons. While the Senate dreams of rebuilding Silvermere's once-sprawling empire, it has found itself ruling over a shrinking domain.

  • Dyfnier Sunbow

  • Eezvatil Druz

  • Efraya Lye

  • Evryn Graffington

  • Faeris Silverleaf

  • Florrix Dazzarap

  • Grantom Durrath

  • Jaizix Kizzir

  • Jennara Farres


  • Nihras Viansi

  • Rinnis Ternozzak

  • Shian Hafiax

  • Skirrix Rizzati

  • Syras Vinellia

  • Tarragus Thunderfist

  • Travir Daylos

  • Viara Biren

  • Wren Drannon

  • Zirak Norran

  • Selesnya Conclave

    Primarily associated with the elves of the Northern Forests, the Selesnya Conclave advocates a social order organized around nature. The efforts of this guild usually focus on undoing the pollution and damage caused by the cities and settlements of the realm. While committed to the cause, they are also committed to principles of nonviolence and peaceful resolution. These principles should not be confused with weakness, however, as the Selesnya Conclave will put up a ferocious fight in the name of self-defense and protecting the innocent.

  • Athish Elliv

  • Bliptrup Dunmud asdf

  • Dranyn Yvinta

  • Grozzix Mixinor

  • Jirrix Zazyrox

  • Konis Jakkenturr

  • Liran Viato

  • Storak Stormfist

  • Tandui Esclark

  • Thyrania Devassian

  • Tirria Avianta

  • Travern Finnor

  • Zivania Kubin

  • Boros Legion

    The Boros Legion is an organization of hardened warriors who defend the western plains. While loyal to and typically allied with the leadership of Silvermere, the Legion is independently organized and doesn't always agree with the priorities of the Azorious Senate.

  • Belladonna Wannameetchu

  • Birrix Dezzeret

  • Bo McElfresh

  • Chiarin Evrens

  • Dagrath Nammick

  • Darak Dravin

  • Drevlov

  • Efris Dirannon

  • Fijun Minsap

  • Hevas Kossi

  • Jarin Blackfin

  • Jarren Leafbright

  • John

  • Mazzix Niksi

  • Ratok Rockfoot

  • Siddhartha

  • Syvarias Duntarras

  • Tarris Kos

  • Thomas Buren

  • Trivith Guttir

  • Verten Rikad

  • Virrik Dishin

  • Visiya Jeylin

  • Zin Trassi

  • Orzhov Syndicate

    The Orzhov Syndicate represents the merchants and bankers of the realm, and recognizes no particular homeland or loyalty to any kingdom. Syndicate members can demonstrate ruthless efficiency in tracking down old debts, and those who have crossed them are known to come up missing. Despite the ominous reputation, the Orzhov also provide a wealth of opportunities and materials goods in to the cities where they are welcomed.

  • Brassi Darong

  • Danurian Gromzlit

  • Doctor Lye

  • Dragguth Grantok

  • Duren Fong

  • Fravvix Bristleswoop

  • Gregory Daphnil

  • Jarus Diranis

  • Joffrey Raffensall

  • Larina Flashfoot

  • Lilith Derros

  • Linzia Rannith

  • Nidanyo Dorina

  • Pirrenia Lyfans

  • Razzik Zipsnapper

  • Rizal Tommoroff

  • Sahiri Dinevvis

  • Sia Farren

  • Sirafis Clorrun

  • Sivaris Lanos

  • Tarnov Prevenz

  • Tarryn Bramos

  • Taryk Jaravin

  • Travyn Thunderhoof

  • Visarin Blackleaf

  • Vrinia Yiansel

  • Simic Conclave

    The Simic Conclave does not seek political or economic power: it seeks knowledge and power over biology itself. Scattered throughout the realm in secretive laboratories, the Simic Conclave performs extreme experiments on merging distinct species in to individual creatures. Some members seek augmentation through merger with new species, others seek healing and repair that traditional medicines and prayers cannot offer.

  • Darrok Buring

  • Evelyth Mistias

  • Faura Stonehoof

  • Frazzixia Huzzarix

  • Gribox Hazzara

  • Heveren Swain

  • Hior Cruvan

  • Kharus Silverhoof

  • Mal Grives

  • Najan Vidati

  • Nimix Yigandle

  • Nythas Eulani

  • Rom Ak-sha

  • Siras Moonleaf

  • Sirran Voxidat

  • Syru Glinea

  • Veluska Kovac

  • Xiara Finnan

  • Gruul Clans

    The Gruul Clains share Selesnya's focus on the primary of nature, but they shun even elven settlements and do not restrict themselves to a code of nonviolence. Clans allied with the Gruul are typically nomadic and are rarely found near cities and settlements unless they have decided to wage war and bring destruction. The ambition of the Gruul Clans is to erase all traces of civilization from the realm, and their rejection of modernity has made them powerful, resilient, and adaptable.

  • Bo Chi

  • Brund Pinion

  • Cyrrin Holfer

  • Daryn Turikas

  • Deiyen Paine

  • Freyna Doccelli

  • Gerald Van Es

  • Hargira Thunderhorn

  • Hirrick Longfeather

  • Jari Hyvan

  • Jiven Yirali

  • John

  • Krenni Taroff

  • Siranda Nimos

  • Tarrok Culveras

  • Triniax Grazzelop

  • Trinnis DeQuanos

  • Ujantu Torrize

  • Vren Diranti

  • Golgari Swarm

    The Golgari Swarm is a cult that worships both death and nature as part of one unbreakable cycle. Although the Golgari have been found operating in every major city, they are primarily centered in the dark-elf city of Untherdran. While many dark elves are racial supremecists and seperatists, the members of the Swarm see all as being equal before death.

  • Arvien Belsay

  • Arxia Hivon

  • Avish Rivis

  • Barad Steelhoof

  • Barris Swapp

  • Baruk Yundir

  • Boo RaDLEY

  • Firrin Darrow

  • Fizzlerik Dazzlerop

  • Garrun Stonehoof

  • Gheran Deharis

  • Gorrel Broad-Tusk

  • Luvina Janali

  • Marilyn McAvyn

  • Sane Pal

  • Shrivax Whisperhoof

  • Sivara Darkbloom

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  • Trevvix Sazzerux

  • Izzet League

    The Izzet League was founded by goblins and gnomes who reside on the outer reaches of the Dwarven Kingdom. The magicians and technicians that dominate this guild are primarily driven by the pursuit of technology and the mastery of electricty and fire. Many strange inventions and bizzare artifacts were created as Izzet League experiments - and some even do what they were designed to do!

  • Azzixia Trisk

  • Bo Chi

  • Brin Giovan

  • Davrin Yissigu

  • Delyn Livannis

  • Genesa Dawnbringer

  • Huran Junit

  • Jeffis Longleaf

  • Mal Grives

  • Nyran Jaress

  • Rizzix Mizzian

  • Timmy Wheeler

  • Traf Gerranis

  • Trina Dreshawn

  • Tyolus Yivvidick

  • Zarrix Krall

  • House Dimir

    Long unknown to the other guilds, the House Dimir trades in secrets and forbidden knowledge. Their agents specialize in deception and surveillance, so little is known about the center of their power or how they intend to use it.

  • Charina Stonehoof

  • Daeriana Nivvosi

  • Dajir Virranis

  • Daura Kloris

  • Dhurvin Varat

  • Garusha Brighthoof

  • Grath Mirroon

  • Jayen Trissup

  • Karrox Henterfil

  • Kirraz Suraxxa

  • Krul Freighten

  • Larris Ziarra

  • Lavinz Arinnu

  • Lilla Avarin

  • Lomik Bantar

  • manus skywalker

  • Meius Dorran

  • Mirra Delan

  • Nira Brinner

  • Papal Enit

  • Rando Sidekick

  • Syrith Ceranz

  • Teserrin Soulfeeder

  • Varas Trank

  • Vera Rance

  • Vinnith Nuralis

  • Visanya Turith

  • Cult of Rakdos

    The Cult of Rakdos exists to exalt Rakdos, a chaotic demon who revels in spectacle and sacrifice. The devotees of this guild are dedicated not only to the service of this dark power, but also to artistic and theatrical expressions of the morbid and macabre.

  • Cyrin Fransdorf

  • Garong Gombek

  • Genris Lissian

  • Ilfara Levas

  • Jael Masserra

  • Jenu Disav

  • John Deveoo

  • Kirraz Burrha

  • Lartua Gronk

  • Luraliath Darkstitch

  • Marmoreal

  • Rivinia Silverleaf

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  • Shiras Deviz

  • Shirin Yastoph

  • Shirran Fiyal

  • Trina Siras

  • Zinia Thornhoof

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