Legends and Myths of a Forgotten Realm
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Ravnica NPC Creator and Character Generator

Welcome to CharGen alpha!


Race: Elf
Class: Wizard
Sex: Male
Guild: Gruul Clans
Profession: Fighting pit ringmaster


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Moral Development: Contractual Perspective


Generation: Late Civic
Extroversion: (E) Strong Extroversion
Sensing Style: (N) Slightly Intuitive
Judging Style: (F) Strong Feeler
Planning Style: (P) Lives in the moment


Orzhov - Selesnya: A group of Selesnyans feel as if the people are being oppressed, and begin to start a campaign to fight against the Orzhov. They pass out flyers, recruit members, and even stage attacks against them.

Do you want to save your character? Give them a name!

Given Name:


Sources and Description Info:

Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
Generational Archetypes - Relative age and personality, and how age groups relate with society
Personality Type Indicator - MBTI Personality Types
Ravnica Plot Hooks - TuesdayTastic's D100 table of Ravnica plot hooks
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