Legends and Myths of a Forgotten Realm
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Ravnica NPC Creator and Character Generator

Welcome to CharGen alpha!


Race: Goblin
Class: Rogue
Sex: Male
Guild: Boros Legion
Profession: Printer


Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Moral Development: Instrumental Egoism


Generation: Early Nomad
Extroversion: (I) Extreme Introversion
Sensing Style: Balanced
Judging Style: (T) Slight Thinker
Planning Style: (J) Prefers a plan


Simic - Izzet: Many generations ago a joint experiment went horribly wrong. Results of that experiment are starting to resurface as a recent breakthrough shed new light on the situation, causing the ancestors of these experiments to both step up asking for the credit and reward.

Do you want to save your character? Give them a name!

Given Name:


Sources and Description Info:

Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
Generational Archetypes - Relative age and personality, and how age groups relate with society
Personality Type Indicator - MBTI Personality Types
Ravnica Plot Hooks - TuesdayTastic's D100 table of Ravnica plot hooks
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